
Hi there, people.

This is a page devoted to ze magicalness that is Edwingness. (Wow, that was two uses of the suffix 'ness' in one sentence. o.o)


I like chocolate, Blank Space, and writing poetry. It's sort of a way to bleed your emotions onto the page, you know? I also enjoy floral-patterned shirts and stalking my dog with a camera. c:<

Now here's stuff about me:
  • I have mild scoliosis wooo
  • It doesn't really affect me too much, though. :P
  • I have a pet NikonD300, which I named Friday.
  • In real life, I'm really introverted and proper on the outside. But once you break the ice, I'll warm up.
  • I play the piano.
  • I sing very frequently when I'm at home and no one is listening.
  • I'm currently writing a story called Bianca's Revolution about this girl called Bianca who falls in love with someone named Roger from Arizona. It's really weird. Also, her best friend is named Giselle.


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